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You're viewing Star Wars : Episode 1 - Racer Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Wars : Episode 1 - Racer
System : GameBoy Color
Date Added : 2007-10-02 05:54:31
Views : 36856

Reset game
Enter CLEAR ALL in entry mode at the main options.

Level 2
Use password "BQVQK"

Quick start
Press A just as the "1" disappears in the pre-race countdown.

Regain energy
Use the brake while in a race to regain energy at the expense of slowing your speed.

Fast speed
Begin a race. There is a light at the top of your power box. Press Up when it is flashing, it should turn red and your Pod should go faster. To slow down, just press Down. Note: If you remain at fast speed for too long, your Pod will explode.

Instant replay
Complete all the tracks and win Sebulba's pod. You can now attempt to beat your track records. If you do so, you can go to the records of that track and watch a replay of your race.

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Star Wars : Episode 1 - Racer Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Star Wars : Episode 1 - Racer Cheat Codes at Game Score

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